1. Looking up movie times in a real, physical newspaper: Twitter: @TheOldManClub 2. Actually being surprised by hidden tracks at the end of an album: Twitter: @lostinlipa 3. Needing two tapes to watch one movie: Twitter: @BossyLossy 4. "Go to channel 3": Stockphotosart / Via Twitter: @FeliciaHanna_12 5. Printing out directions instead of just giving them a quick goog: trainingforwarriors.com 6. All the intense preparation for Y2K: reddit.com 7. The trials and tribulations of T9: Twitter: @StagBeChillin 8. The horrors of dial-up internet: Twitter: @RSLogisticsInc 9. Going through a disgusting amount of burned CDs in a binder in the back seat of a car: Twitter: @Rob_Nguyen 10. And burning CDs for very specific occasions: Twitter: @_aceinthehole 11. Smashing *69 righ...
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